Tuesday 11 June 2019

Lemon Pistachio Loaf (Eggless) | #BreadBakers

The day after the rains is beautiful. The sky is still heavy with clouds, and the sunrise is spectacular. 

The rays make way behind the gray clouds and a myriad hues paint the sky. 

The leaves glisten and dance in the morning breeze. There is freshness and fragrance in the air. Sweet songs of the Grey-winged back bird resonate.

 It is a magical morning.

A Lemon Pistachio Loaf is being baked. My daughter prepares the glaze that will be poured all over the hot bread.

It is a tangy sweet quick bread loaded with freshness and the flavor of lemons.
The glaze makes the slices gooey and scrumptious.
I have baked two versions.

The eggless and wholegrain version is soft, moist and juicy. If you are a fan of whole grain baking, take two cups of whole wheat flour. Or, take one cup all-purpose flour and one cup whole wheat flour. Bake for one hour covering the top with the foil. The crumb will be dense and very moist.
The second version has all-purpose flour and eggs. It has a lighter crumb.
Both the versions are delicious.

Lemon Pistachio Loaf


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour ( or, 1 cup whole wheat flour and 1 cup all-purpose flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup unrefined cane sugar
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 2 flax eggs ( 2 tablespoons flax meal whisked in 6 tablespoons water. Keep for 10 minutes. Beat with a fork, use.) or, 2 large eggs
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • ¾ cup yogurt
  • ½ cup sliced pistachios


  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
  • ½ cup icing sugar
  • 2 tablespoons sliced pistachios for garnishing


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Line the bottom and grease the sides of one 8 ½ x4 ½ inches loaf pan.
  2. Beat yogurt till smooth. Add lemon juice and zest. Keep aside.
  3. Whisk together first four ingredients. Keep aside.
  4. Beat butter and sugar till light and pale. Add flax eggs (or eggs, one at a time).
  5. Add half of the flour mix. Add half of the yogurt mix. Stir till well combined.
  6. Add remaining dry ingredients and remaining yogurt mix. Stir to get a homogenous mixture.
  7. Fold in sliced pistachios.
  8. Transfer the batter to the prepared pan. Bake for 50 -60  minutes or until the loaf is browned and shrinks from the sides and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Tent with a foil if the top is browning too fast.
  9. Poke the top of the bread with a toothpick and pour the glaze all over.
  10. Remove from the pan after 15 minutes.  Sprinkle sliced pistachios. Cool on the rack.
  11. Slice when cold.

Linking to Breadbakers
#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month choosing the theme/ingredient.
Our host this month is Stacy Livingston Rushton. Stacy chose to bake quick bread this month. She blogs at Food Lust People Love. Her blog is a treasure of recipes.

You'll love the quick breads made by the other Breadbakers.

·  Banana Nut Bread from Sneha's Recipe
·  Cheddar Bacon Chive Quick Bread from Karen's Kitchen Stories
·  Chocolate Quick Bread from Sara's Tasty Buds
·  Cinnamon Swirl Quick Bread from Shockingly Delicious
·  Coconut Sweet Bread from Passion Kneaded
·  Cranberry Pecan Quick Bread from Food Lust People Love
·  Eggfree Oats and Dates Bread from Veena’s Vegnation
·  Espresso Banana Quick Bread with Espresso Streusel from All That's Left Are The Crumbs
·  Irish Soda Bread from Anybody Can Bake
·  Keto Low Carb Coconut Flour Bread from Cook With Renu
·  Lady Grey Date Nut Bread from A Messy Kitchen
·  Lemon Blueberry Bread from Palatable Pastime
·  Lemon Pistachio Loaf from Ambrosia
·  Summer Shandy Beer Bread from A Day in the Life on the Farm
·  Zucchini Bread from Simply Inspired Meals


  1. I can't take my eyes off that beautiful loaf that is baked! Lemon is always an amazing flavor once baked and love the pistachio crunch... Love your nature clicks...

  2. Your nature photographs are always so beautiful, a joy to behold, Namita. Your loaf is gorgeous as well with the glaze drizzled in that pattern and the bright green pistachios. I'd like a slice of either version, please!

  3. Those photos are, as always, making me drool all over my laptop. Love the flecks of pistachios in this loaf.

  4. That looks completely amazing, my hubby would gobble this all up, he loves pistachios. And I love lemon. Beautiful combination! And wow, love your cloud pictures.

  5. Namita, you have decorated the bread so nicely, loved the topping. I was in search of eggless lemon cake and I think this cake ticks all the correct boxes. Bookmarking this to try soon.

  6. One of these days I need to try the flax meal "eggs!" Your pistachios are so green and pretty, just like your photos.

  7. What a beautiful looking loaf, love the green of the pistachios. Sounds like a great flavor combination!

  8. Your loaf looks beautiful with the icing and moist too.
