We decided to take some homemade sweets for our friends and earlier in the morning, we made some Oats and Coconut Laddu. Oats and coconut laddus are chewy, coconut and juicy. Roasted oats lend a distinct nutty flavour We Often make them and our kids love these laddus.
Everyone loved the healthy laddu with steaming ginger tea over animated conversation.
Oats and Coconut Laddu
- 1 cup desiccated coconut
- 1 cup oats
- 1 tin condensed milk (400 grams)
- In a thick bottom wok, dry roast oats. Roast on low flame till the colour begins to change. Leave to cool.
- When cold, grind the roasted oats to a fine powder.
- Take a thick bottom steel wok. Add powdered oats and desiccated coconut. Stir to mix well.
- Add condensed milk. Stir it well to mix the ingredients evenly.
- Now cook the mixture on low flame. Stir continuously.
- While stirring, the mixture will keep sticking to the bottom. Keep scraping while stirring.
- After some time, the mixture will begin to leave the sides and bottom of the wok. Turn off the heat.
- Leave to cool slightly. After 5 minutes see if you can handle to mixture and shape laddu.
- Take mixture in your hand and press between fingers to get walnut sized laddu.
- The laddus come out round and glossy
- Cool and store in an airtight container.
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